Most North Carolina residents have lines of credit that they use to cover their daily expenses or any emergencies that may arise. Some people permit others to use their credit on occasion, and that is perfectly legal. Using someone else’s credit or debit card or…
Just a few weeks ago, law enforcement authorities in North Carolina arrested one of their own. While off duty, this individual was reportedly involved in an accident in a patrol car. Investigators believe impairment was a factor in the crash, and as such, the accused…
Police in North Carolina recently arrested a man following a domestic violence incident. He is facing several charges as a result, all of which carry significant consequences if convicted. As this gentleman already has a felony conviction on record, how he approaches this situation matters.…
Getting arrested in North Carolina may not have been a plan of yours. Unfortunately, this type of situation recently befell you, and now, you wonder what to do. You likely have a pending court date to address the charges brought against you if released on…
Trespassing is generally known as the act of entering or remaining on someone else’s property without their permission. In North Carolina, criminal trespass is actually divided into two different categories — first and second degree. What is the difference between the two, and what are the consequences that may…
Police in North Carolina recently wrapped up an investigation they have been working on for the past six months after receiving multiple complaints about organized street racing and aggressive driving in the Charlotte area. As a result of this investigation, dozens of people have been…
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